
Saturday, December 3, 2016

Help Rescue the Chimps Used For Hallmark Cards Who Are Forced to Live in Filthy Cages

As humans, we still have a long way to go when it comes to our treatment of primates.
Even chimpanzees, who have been proven to be highly intelligent, emotional, and social beings that share over 90 percent of our DNA, are still subjected to a dismal life in captivity. Thankfully, many humans are making progress to benefit chimps. For example, Cecelia, a chimp who was held in the Mendoza Zoo, was recently granted basic rights which led to her retirement. But sadly, this is just one case.
A recent video by PETA calls attention to Hallmark’s practice of selling greeting cards featuring chimpanzees. Chimps on these greeting cards are dressed up in costumes and wigs and photographed with happy smiles. Unfortunately, the reality is that a tooth-baring grin is actually a sign of distress for chimps — not happiness. By selling these cards, Hallmark is sending a very clear message: highly intelligent animals like chimpanzees exist for our entertainment.
In the video, you see captive chimps exhibiting all sorts of behaviors like pacing, rocking back and forth, ripping out their hair, or staring into space while sitting as close to their cage as they can. These are all signs of zoochosis, a psychological condition that afflicts many animals in captivity. If humans were to behave like this, we would obviously be concerned for their mental health. Yet, these chimps have been allowed to live among trash and their own feces for years – and the entertainment industry supports it just to make a little bit of money. Is the price of a greeting card or movie rental worth a life of distress?

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