
Friday, July 7, 2017

Tiny Kitten Literally Stopped Traffic

This year’s Independence Day traffic was quite a sight to see in Arlington, Texas – 
and right in the midst of it all, something incredible happened. A single tiny kitten managed to literally stop the traffic!
Officer Austin Kidd of the Arlington Police Department was just leaving a burglary investigation when he noticed that a motorist stopped on the road was trying to flag him down. The officer was expecting some car trouble and pulled over to help. However, it was not a difficulty with the car that was the issue … but a certain someone hiding beneath the vehicle.
The driver explained that when he was stopped at the light, a kitten ran under his car and was still there, not at all eager to get back out. Fortunately, the driver spotted the kitten and did not want to hurt the animal. He stopped his car in order to try to free the kitty.

When the officer looked under the car, he discovered that the kitten was stuck between one of the vehicle’s rear wheels and the brake rotor. With the assistance of his partner Officer Rob Phillips, he carefully removed the wheel and freed the confused cat.

But the baby scuttled right back into traffic, hiding underneath another car stopped at the light nearby! The officers got the driver to stop the car and, this time, called animal control to take the catto a shelter so that the little one would not be in any more danger.

Upon picking up the kitty, the animal care officer noticed that the animal looked slightly malnourished and dehydrated but, besides that, did not seem to have any serious injuries.

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